Rauner Drags Feet on Gun Bills While Urging Swift, Strong Action

Monday, April 9, 2018


Chicago, IL – Today, Bruce Rauner said “we need to move expeditiously” to take “strong action” on gun violence, but so far he’s vetoed or ignored any concrete solution passed by the legislature and only proposed a task force.

Rauner vetoed the Gun Dealer Licensing Bill a week before his heated primary election, and the fate of three other bills passed by the legislature remain unknown as Rauner takes his time to make up his mind.


“While gun violence ravages our communities, Bruce Rauner is talking out of both sides of his mouth and dragging his feet on critical bills passed by the legislature,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “Unlike Bruce Rauner, when JB Pritzker is governor he will treat gun violence like a public health epidemic and take strong action to keep our communities safe.”

Read JB’s plan to combat gun violence HERE.



Reporter: What about the gun bills that are, you have vetoed? What’s going to happen? I know you’ve got a task force, but there’s a time limit coming up. Folks are going to be pushing in the next couple of weeks to see these passed.

Rauner: Oh, well, I agree with you Mary Ann. We need to move expeditiously. I’m disappointed that so far the Senate Democrats have not chosen to participate in our bipartisan task force yet. I hope that the Senate Democrats will join here shortly. We need to take strong action to reduce the violence in our communities and in our schools, and we can do this. There are good policy moves that we can make that are respectful of our federal constitution, but that will actually significantly increase public safety, reduce gun violence, and we are going to be coming forward in the next few weeks with very specific proposals on a bipartisan basis.

Reporter: What are you going to do with the bill that’s already on your desk right now to change the waiting period for assault weapons?

Rauner: We’ll be talking about that as part of an overall package in the coming few weeks.



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