JB Pritzker Statement on Republican “Repeal Then Replace” Plan

Chicago, IL — Yesterday, after Donald Trump and Senate Republicans again failed to pass Trumpcare, Mitch McConnell announced that the GOP would move to repeal Obamacare first and then come up with a plan to replace it within two years. In response, JB Pritzker released the following statement:

“If we’ve learned anything from the past few months, it’s that Donald Trump and Republicans don’t have the slightest clue how to make healthcare better in this country,” said JB Pritzker. “Proposing a repeal of Obamacare without any semblance of a plan to replace it is unconscionable. This will cost 32 million Americans their health insurance and lead to skyrocketing premiums across the board.

“It’s the height of irresponsible governing that has a direct impact on Illinois, but Bruce Rauner has been silent. Our cowardly governor won’t even say Donald Trump’s name, let alone take a principled stand for Illinois families against this devastating legislation. Our state should be a firewall against Donald Trump’s devastating agenda, but we are instead being led by a group of people as ruthless and incompetent as the Trump administration.”


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