JB Pritzker Statement on Rauner’s Secret $63 Billion Medicaid Deal

Chicago, IL – As questions remain unanswered about Bruce Rauner’s secret and historically costly Medicaid deal, JB Pritzker released the following statement.

“Bruce Rauner pushed through the largest procurement in state history without any input by the public or scrutiny by the media, and now costs have skyrocketed by tens of billions of dollars overnight,” said JB Pritzker. “This failed governor has given taxpayers no reason to trust him after going out of his way to shroud this deal in secrecy. Illinois families are now on the hook for another $23 billion and they deserve answers from this failed governor. Whether he is trying to mislead or is just plain incompetent, Bruce Rauner needs to come clean to Illinoisans about the damage he’s done.”


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