JB Pritzker Statement on Bruce Rauner’s Sham “Unity” Address

Chicago, IL – In response to Bruce Rauner’s sham “unity” address scheduled for tomorrow evening, JB Pritzker released the following statement.

“720 days into a manufactured budget crisis of his own creating, Bruce Rauner either doesn’t have the slightest clue what unity is or just doesn’t care,” said JB Pritzker. “Unity is not introducing a ‘compromise’ budget produced in secret by Republicans and entirely lacking in any actual compromise. Unity is not Bruce Rauner planning to veto school funding reform legislation that he 90% agrees with. Unity and leadership are more than words. Bruce Rauner can’t just say the word ‘unity’ when his actions as governor have only served his own self-interest and devastated Illinois families along the way. Leadership is having the courage and ability to bring people together, compromise and negotiate, and get results. Rauner has proven time and again that he is not a leader and tomorrow’s speech will do nothing to change that.”


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