JB Pritzker Campaign Releases Two New TV Ads: “All Ideas” and “Real Change”

Friday, January 5, 2018


New Ads Highlight How JB and Juliana Will Beat Bruce Rauner and Their Plans to Bring Real Change to Illinois


Chicago, IL – Today, the JB Pritzker campaign released two new TV ads, “All Ideas” and “Real Change.” The ads highlight how JB and Juliana will beat Bruce Rauner and bring real change to Illinois, and will air in markets across the state.

Throughout the campaign, JB and Juliana have released detailed plans to move Illinois forward, including how they will expand healthcaregrow the economy and create jobs, and support quality childcare and preschool. “All Ideas” features JB and Juliana direct to camera highlighting their plans for Illinois and “Real Change” features supporters sharing JB’s vision and commitment to moving Illinois forward.

WATCH: “All Ideas

WATCH: “Real Change

“I’m focused on beating Bruce Rauner and getting Illinois back on track,” said JB Pritzker. “Throughout this campaign, I’ve put forward real policy plans to repair Rauner’s damage and bring real change to Illinois. I’m thrilled by the energy and support our campaign has received from people across the state, and I know we’re ready to come together to move Illinois forward.”


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