Budget Blues: How Rauner Failed Medicaid

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Rauner Cut $150 Million from Medicaid in FY19


Chicago, IL – Bruce Rauner’s FY19 budget proposal attempts to “balance” the budget on the backs of working people. With the General Assembly holding budget hearings this week, the Pritzker campaign is highlighting the different communities that would be hurt by this failed governor’s unbalanced budget.

While 3.2 million Illinoisans rely on Medicaid, Bruce Rauner proposed a $150 million cut to the program in his FY19 budget. The failed governor made a 4% provider rate cut in his latest proposal, threatening the children, seniors, and disabled Illinoisans that rely on Medicaid for their healthcare needs.

“While Donald Trump proposes over a trillion in Medicaid cuts nationally, his local partner Bruce Rauner is following suit and proposing $150 million in cuts here in Illinois,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “This failed governor’s unbalanced budget deals a blow to the healthcare system that millions of Illinoisans rely on to build better lives.”


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