Budget Blues: How Bruce Rauner Failed Higher Education

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Rauner Continues to Slash Funding While Increasing Costs for Public Colleges and Universities


Chicago, IL – Bruce Rauner’s FY19 budget proposal attempts to “balance” the budget on the backs of working people. With the General Assembly continuing to hold budget hearings this week, the Pritzker campaign is highlighting the different communities that would be hurt by this failed governor’s unbalanced budget.

After leading a three-year attack on higher education that forced universities to junk bond status, slashed spending on MAP grants, and drove college students from the state, Rauner’s proposed FY19 budget continues his same failed policies. His new budget would continue funding higher education at a 10% cut from FY15 while increasing universities’ costs by an estimated $206 million through a pension and health insurance cost shift scheme.

“Our state’s colleges and universities educate the workforce of tomorrow, but our failed governor is slashing their funding and decimating the tools students need to thrive,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “Bruce Rauner is leading an all-out assault on higher education and leveraging our future while students and educators pay the price.”


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